Saturday, December 27, 2008

One To Forget

Here's a game I'd like to forget--I'm posting it to make sure I don't. My opponent is about 12 years old, and his name may be familiar to those of you who read the Marshall Chess Club blog.

Very nice execution.

And that concludes my chessplaying year. At the very least.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Stocking Stuffer

Lev Alburt's Chess Pocket Training Book II, like his first pocket training book, is a nice little collection of positions--many tactics, but also endgames and positional problems--in a handy little book suitable for sticking in the pocket of your jacket or overcoat.

Here's a nice little problem from it--not hard, but pretty:

White to play

Solution will appear in the comments after Christmas (or when Tempo sees it).

Monday, December 22, 2008

Forcing Chess Move

I've been reading Charles Hertan's Forcing Chess Moves. It looks pretty good so far (I just finished the first chapter; I'll write a review when I've finished the book). It may be pitched just a bit low for me, but it has some very nice positions in it. Here's one:

White to play

Solution in the comments.

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Illness, work deadlines, Seasonal Affective Disorder. No Chess playing this last month, and so no blogging.

Normal service to resume shortly. Happy Solstice to all, and best wishes for the holidays of your choice.

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